Mualngat khua Republic Day mat na um

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From: Lalgin Inn
Mualngat Innpi

As we celebrate the 76th Republic Day 2025, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to: SIKH REGT. BSF, CRPF.

The ethnic conflict in Manipur which began on 3rd May 2023 is still ongoing and the future is very bleak and despairing especially for the marginalized sections of the society on both sides.

This beautiful place that I gladly called my village is also my only home on Earth. My family and I have nowhere else to go. Being in the frontier, almost every day emotions are high and mind is restless; horrible and inhuman acts can happen at anytime. Life is just harder and hopelessness rule the day.

However, God is good all the time. On this special day, I thank the Almighty God for His hand of provisions and protection through the Indian Sepoys, Vaiphei Village Volunteers and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

This day once again reminds us of the enactment of the Constitution of India. But, our Fundamental Rights mentioned in PART- 3, Articles 12 to 35 have been violated without anyone to voice our grievances. Am I not an Indian? Is this Indian democracy? Will there be no solution at all to our core human issues at stake? Can peace be restored? Where is the government of the people? All these and many more questions disturbed my thinking day and night. With still a heavy heart, my hope and prayers is that one day surely we will be awakened to peace and our restored Rights as the citizen of India.

Once again, thank you very much to all the jawans and people who played an indispensable role in protecting and safeguarding peace and human rights to all the frontline villages.

May God bless you all more abundantly.
Jay Hind!
Happy 76th Republic Day 2025.

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