Unaute haw, a hun kona hi ngaitua tiam un

Gospel Sermon

*🛐Unaute haw, a hun kona hi ngaitua tiam un: taksa lam ah mipil, mi thilhithei leh mi lopite ko a hilo dan uh hi. Himaleh, mi pilte chu a mualpho theina ding un, Pathian in khawvel thil ah ngolhuai chu a tĂȘl zaw ta’n; chuleh, khawvel ah thil zawngkhĂąlte chu Pathian in a tĂȘl ah, a hatte a mualpho theina ding un. Khawvel thil niam leh mu tawm umte, thil umsate chu bangmalo a chansak theina dingin, thil umlo te natiang Pathian in a tĂȘl a; Pathian ma’n kuama a kisuan theilona ding un. Nanghaw vang ama ziakin Khrista Jesu ah chun la um un; ama chu Pathian kiang ah kipat ei uh Ăą ding ah pilna, dikna, sukthianthona leh tatna ah siam ahi. Tichun, “A suang tapo in Lalpa chu suang tau hen,” ti zik gual ah khan*
1 KORINTH 1:26‭-‬31

*Unaute u, a koh dĂąn che u hi ngaihtuah teh u, in zĂźnga tam tak hi tisa lama mi fing in ni lo va, mi thiltithei tak pawh in ni lo va, mi ropui chhĂ»ng zĂźnga mi pawh in ni hek lo. Nimahsela, Pathian chuan khawvĂȘl mite ngaiha thil Ăąte chu mi fingte tihmualpho nĂąn a thlang a, khawvĂȘla thil chak lote chu thil chakte tihmualpho nĂąn a thlang bawk a; tin, thil awm sate paihthlĂąk nĂąn khawvĂȘl thil mĂąwl leh hmusitawmte, thil awm lote nĂȘn lam Pathianin a thlang a. Nangni zawng, Pathian zĂąrah, Krista Isuaah chuan in awm ta a; ani chu Pathian hnĂȘn ata kan tĂąn finna te, thiam chantĂźrna te, tihthianghlimna te leh tlanna te a lo ni ta a; tichuan, an ziak angin, “Chhuan tĂ»r duh chuan Lalpa chu chhuang rawh se.”*
1 KORINTH 1:26‭-‬28‭, ‬30‭-‬31

*Think about the circumstances of your call, brothers and sisters. Not many were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were born to a privileged position. But God chose what the world thinks foolish to shame the wise, and God chose what the world thinks weak to shame the strong. God chose what is low and despised in the world, what is regarded as nothing, to set aside what is regarded as something, so that no one can boast in his presence. He is the reason you have a relationship with Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, “ Let the one who boasts , boast in the Lord .”*
1 Corinthians 1:26‭-‬31 NET

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