~ KL Muana Vaiphei
The day you left for your home,
I, desolated and cheerless, recall it all.
Till you disappeared round the corner,
I kept hoping for a single glance from you.
Like the morning mist that dissipates
After the wind blows,
You appeared and faded away.
To have you respond to my hidden affections,
My mind cannot fathom such depths;
Neither can my words make you understand.
I long for you even in my dreams.
Your hair blowing in the summer breeze,
Your pretty smile and beautiful countenance are never forgotten.
Joy and Happiness – a gift preordained by the Creator.
Love – the toil of Ngambawm.
I wait expectantly for the day, our vows of eternal love
Will be uttered while walking hand-in-hand
When the lover proclaims words of love,
Do reply with sweet words of affection…